Hunger Games Format

Tournament Background:

The Airdrie Stars Hunger Games is held in support of the Airdrie Food Bank. Please encourage your team to being non-perishable items with them to the drop-off locations at Airdrie rinks.  The Tournament will run in Airdrie and surrounding areas


Tournament Format


Pre-Game Warm-Up:

All teams must be ready to play 10 minutes prior to the scheduled game time. Warm-ups shall be restricted to 3 minutes in length, and the clock starts whether players are ready to go on the ice or not. The tournament committee/referees reserve the right to restrict or waive warm ups if time constraints dictate.

Airdrie Stars will supply each bench with pucks. Please ensure the pucks make it back into the bucket and remain on the bench for the next game.

Game Format:

All round-robin games shall consist of a 15-20-20 period length through a 1.5 hour ice time (3-minute warmup) and a 20-20-20 period length over 2 hours for finals (5-minute warmup).

There will be no floods during the game; floods will occur after each game. There will be a 1 minute break between periods.

The tournament committee/referees reserve the right to make the third period running time if the score is 6 or more goals in favor of a team entering the third period. If there are more than 2 minutes left in the game with 5 (or less) minutes left in the timeslot, the clock will be dropped to 2 minutes at the first whistle with 5 or less minutes remaining in the timeslot.

Teams will be allowed one time-out per game, stopping the clock for a maximum of 30 seconds. Injuries to a player on the ice will result in the clock stopping at the referees' discretion.


During stop time:

  • Minor penalties will be 2 minutes
  • Major penalty will be 5 minutes

During running time (if applicable):

  • Minor penalties will be 3 minutes
  • Major penalty will be 7 minutes

Point System in Round-Robin play:

The tournament will consist of three round robin games, with no overtime during the round robin. Points will be awarded as follows for all games, division and crossover:

  • 2 points for a win
  • 1 point for a tie
  • 0 point for loss

Team Rankings after Round-Robin play is completed:

If teams are tied after round robin play, round robin standings will be determined as follows:

  • Head to head results
  • Best goal % (total goals for divided by total goals for plus total goals against - Hockey Canada tie breaking system)
  • Fewest penalty minutes
  • Coin toss

Tie Games for Sunday Games:

There will be no overtime and a shoot-out will be held to determine the game winner. This process will be followed until the game is won:

  • Each team will select (3) players to take a penalty shot. All three players will shoot and the team that scores the most goals wins.
  • If still tied after the first initial (3) shooters, (3) more different players will be chosen and will shoot on a sudden death If still tied, repeat as necessary.
  • No player may be selected a second time, until all skaters have had the chance to shoot at least once

Other Rules & Information:

All players MUST be submitted on the tournament roster; substitutions are not allowed.

Dressing rooms are assigned by the rink workers & will be posted at the rinks. Equipment cannot be left in the change rooms between games or overnight. Teams are required to vacate dressing rooms 30 minutes following conclusion of their ice time. There will be female change rooms available if required.

Home teams will wear light colored jerseys and away teams will wear dark colored jerseys. In case of conflict, or where teams may only have one set of jerseys, teams, at their discretion, can agree to wear opposite colors.

As time permits, after the conclusion each game, teams are to line up on the blue line for the presentation of the game MVP. Game MVP will be chosen and presented by the team coaching staff.

Coaches and managers are responsible for the behaviour of their players both on and off the ice.

A three member Dispute Resolution Committee (DRC) will handle all disputes relating to tournament and game matters. Teams must present a written account of the dispute and a dispute fee of $200 to a DRC member within one hour of completion of the game at issue. The fee is not refundable even if the DRC determines that the dispute is legitimate. The committee will consist of an ASAA Board member and two members of the tournament committee. If there is a conflict of interest, another member of the tournament organizing committee will be substituted.

There will be two (2) referees on the ice for each game.

There is zero tolerance of the harassment of on-ice officials, players or team staff by parents or opposition team staff and will result in immediate expulsion from the game and arena.

2012 born and older is full body contact


Thank you for participating in the Airdrie Stars Hunger Games and we wish your team the best of luck!

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